Saturday 26 November 2016

Shiseido-Tsubaki Volume Touch shampoo

SHISEIDO-  Volume Touch Shampoo

Today, I'm going to write a review about the SHISEIDO- Volume Touch Shampoo. I started to use this shampoo one month ago. Until today, I'm satisfied with the performance of this shampoo on my hair. It's a Shiseido products, and I'm confident to use it. I didn't know this product until one day my friends and I discussing about the hair products that we came across in our daily life.


                               (a)                                                                               (b)


(a) : I got the Tsubaki Shampoo form the nearest WATSON store nearby my hometown, Taiping. It's 500ml bottle.
(b) : Look at the label behind , it written that TSUBAKI shampoo contains fermentation essence that helps to soften scalp and moisturize the hair. It's a product make from Japan.
(c): The shampoo is colorless,and I just use a "coin " size of shampoo quantity to clean                 my hair.The shampoo is concentrated and have a Camellia scent. It's indeed have a calming properties

I have use many different type of shampoo, and I personally think that this Shiseido - TSUBAKI Volume Touch Shampoo is affordable as it cost only about RM 35 per bottle. Shiseido product is an internationally brand, and yet Tsubaki Volume Touch shampoo is worth to invest for haircare.

 Picture 2: Look, my hair is oily, and sometimes, my hair look flat when I'm taking photo in                          front the camera.

Picture 2: After I use the Tsubaki Volume Touch shampoo, air-dry my hair, my hair look more volumized, and energetic. 

I love the camellia scent of the shampoo. My hair become more manageable, and thicker. There's many different type of Tsubaki shampoo available in the outlet store. Pick the one suitable with your hair-type, as the different colour of the Tsubaki shampoo bottle represent different hair-problem to use.
Trust me, and get it from the store now~!=)

AMWAY-Complexion Bar Soap

AMWAY- Complexion Bar Soap.

This was the second time that I bought this complexion bar soap box from AMWAY. It comes in the package of 3 bar soaps in one box. It cost about RM 57++. It;s quite expensive though.
I try to use this bar soap when recommended by one of my friend. I  have pimples on my face last time, and she recommend me to use this bar soap instead of using other facial foam or serum to put on my sensitive skin. I stop to use all my moisturizer, serum, face mask, toner and other facial foam for a moment. For that time, my facial regime was  just this little complexion bar soap.

Picture 1: The complexion bar soap is in orange-brown color and have a honey scent once the box is open. Perhaps I should say it just smell sweet too.

For the first time I use it, I might not feel the different yet. However, after using the bar soap for three days, I could feel the magical power of this complexion bar soap. My face felt clean and free from oil after I wash my face. My skin felt soft and I just love the honey smell left on my skin. It;s suitable for my skin as my skin is combination oily type. My skin felt clean but it's not like the feeling I'm using any harsh chemical. It just clean of the dirt perfectly. As I'm use to expose to the outside sun exposure and sweat, as I love exercise,  this bar soap indeed helpful and suitable for me. 

Picture 2: The packaging of the AMWAY- complexion bar soap. Product from USA.

I'm not sure it's use for the face or not as it's a kind of body series care. I'm using it for my face care regime. It think this bar soap is for the body care. Well,, perhaps, I can actually use for the face and body too~!!

The formulation of this complexion bar soap have been improve compare to the first time that I bought. It have been added with pumpkin. Thus, the formulation contain honey, shea butter and pumpkin, As you can see, the formulation of the bar soap itself make me feel confident to use it in my facial care regime. Try it once and I bet there will be no regret~!=) Say BYE to BREAKOUTS~!
Get it from the AMWAY store now~!

Thursday 24 November 2016

Sheep Hydrating lotion

It had been a long time since I write my blog. I'm going to continue to write my blog after a long break. Today I'm going to share on this hydrating lotion make from lanolin oil. I bought it when I went to Taiwan for a holiday at Cingjing Farm. It's a place where we can see a lot of sheeps on the grassland in cold weather. This lotion is produce using the lanolin oil from the sheeps.

                                    Picture 1: The bottle packaging of the Sheep hydrating lotion.

The lotion is white in color and it feels fresh when I put it on my skin. It's watery, and easily absorb into the skin and this is one of the reason I love the most.It does not smell strong in perfume,as it's more light in odor.

Picture 2: Look~!! The watery-lotion on my skin~! It's easily spread on over my skin.

Lanolin oil, have a deep moisturizing effect on the skin and suitable for dry skin. It's a perfect lotion choice to use during the winter or cold season. It's not easy to find a product with lanolin oil nowadays. And if you do, the price might be costly. I just bought this lotion about RM 15 ringgit after convert from TWD. ( Taiwan currency money).

Picture 3: This product directly from the Cingjing Farm , at Nantou,Taiwan.

Well, if you ever go to the Taiwan,  and happen to visit the Cingjing Farm, dont't ever forget to bought this sheep hydrating lotion~!!. It's a must to be bought as a souvenir, or to pamper yourself!!
I just bought one bottle last time, and I will get this again, when I ever visited Cingjing Farm again~!!

Saturday 30 April 2016

O'right Tea Tree Shampoo

O'right Tea Tree Shampoo- Purifying 

I have an oily hair. I have tried a lot of products, and my hair still that oily though.
One day, my recommended me try to use organic shampoo due to my hair scalp is sensitive. As, I was shopping in a shopping mall, I came across a hair saloon which uses herbal and organic hair products. Without hesitation, I gave myself a try for their hair treatment. It cost me about rm 99 per treatment.

I pay attention on the the way they cleanse my hair and off course, the products brand that they use. Besides that, I took this chances to ask the hair specialist on my hair condition and to got some advice tips from the hair specialist. From here, I notice that they use O'right products.
After the hair treatment, I bought the O'right Tea Tree Hair shampoo home for a try on my oily hair scalp. It cost me another rm 90.

I doesn't not show any major chances for the first month. After the third month using it I could say that my hair is less oily, and I could wash my hair after three days. Before this, I had to wash my hair daily as my hair was oily, and I felt uncomfortable. For an oily hair, I would recommend to wash your hair less, and to help to control and balance the sebum secretion on the hair.

~Having a beautiful and lovely hair is not a dream if you work hard for it.=)~~!!.
I'm still working hard to have a long . shiny and healthy hair, and I hope to share more on hair products review that I have tried~!

This is the O'right Shampoo products.

The O'right products is environment friendly, and the bottle packaging can be decompose in the nature soil as it uses biodegradable concepts into their bottle design. 

I have check through internet, and you might could possible to get the O'right products online with lower than retail price.

DO check out on O'right Facebook online to buy  it~!

Sunday 20 March 2016

SP - Volumize Shampoo

SP- System Professional Hair Volumize Shampoo (250ml)

I got this SP hair shampoo from  hair salon. I have a fine hair texture, and my hair seem lifeless. The hairdresser recommend me to wash my hair using volumize shampoo. This shampoo cost me about RM 70. Th shampoo itself is transparent colour, and I actually like it~! This shampoo might be little costly, but worth it. I don't need to put a lot of shampoo to wash my oily hair. I just put a drop of shampoo which is about the size of "20 cent", and then put on my damp hair.
After about a month using this shampoo, my hair indeed more volumize, but, I still having oily hair...
I would say is a good shampoo which act as volumizing, but not so suitable as a treatment to oily hir though. I might have to find another alternative shampoo for my oily hair..=(
I guess everyone of us should learn the correct way of washing our hair. DO check out online on the correct way of washing hair~!

Saturday 6 February 2016

Face Q- Bling Bling foot peeling mask

 Face Q Foot Mask~!

I bought this foot mask from Taiwan !In Malaysia it might quite costly to buy a foot mask, though,I never try this foot mask before, and is my first time trying it.=) It cost about 200 TWD per pack.,

The icon on the packaging is just too cute.~! A foot doing a spa.=P

This is the packaging.

                                   The packaging come along with an instruction manual, step-by step procedure.


1. First, was /and clean your feet.
2. Tear off/open the packaging, and you will see to plastic socks ready for your feet.
3. Kindly wear the plastic sock on your feet. ( there's an indicator written L- left and R- Right.
4. Leave it for about 30 minutes.
5. After that, kindly massage your feet with the lotion provided along with this packaging. ( as below packaging for lotion)

This is the lotion to be apply on your feet after foot mask.

I would say this product is quite good. It come with a lot of lotion packet in a package, and easy to use. More importantly is the plastic foot socks it full with moisturizing essence in it. If you do go to Taiwan, do not miss this foot mask~! 

After this foot mask, you will find both of your feet with peeling skin.
This  is because your foot is changing and re-building a new foot skin~!
You will find your feet smooth and soft after a few days~~!
Say BLING BLING for your pretty feet~!

Thursday 21 January 2016

SHILLS Acne Purifying Black Mask

A product brand name "SHILLS". It's my first time actually to try this product brand. Haha....
I found this product when I go into a Watson store in a hypermarket when I'm shopping for Christmas sale.

When I first saw this product, I looked at the price and I was thinking it's costly. The product come in a small amount packaging with a high price tag. I stood long there and I was attracted to the product because it written "black mask "! I actually has a believe on all black mask product is amazing and fantastic.

Without thinking much, I bought this SHILLS BLACK MASK!
Look, the package came with a black gel deep sebum softener( 2ml) and an acne purifying peel-off black mask.( 50 ml)

I want to give a try to this product~!

Put this black gel deep sebum softener on a cleansed face. Leave it for 5 minutes. It function to soften the dead skin cell on acne prone skin.After that, rinse off.

Apply the black mask acne purifying peel-off black mask after your skin is soften ( after using the deep sebum softener)

Apply all over your face. ( p/s: avoid eye area). I just apply in a thin layer of mask on my skin and spread it evenly.

After the black mask is dried, ( leave it about 20 minutes), peel it off from downward to upstroke direction. You will notice, all the dirt, oils, and dead skin is stick on the peel-off mask.
After that, apply toner to tighten up the skin proes. You ill notice, your skin is soft and clean, and your skin look radiant.

I would say the SHILLS Black Mask, is indeed a good mask to have.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Body Scrub Herborist- The Essence of Balinese ( Strawberry+Whitening)

The Essence of Balinese Body Scrub- Herborist

This is the Herborist body scrub that I bought in Bali, Indonesia. It cost about 25,000 rupiah for one , and I actually bought 3 boxes with total cost, 50,000 rupiah. I have already used up two boxes ( one is green tea extract, and another one is rose extract), and now, I left the last box, which is the strawberry extract + whitening. ( 200g)

I do not know the actually local Indonesia cost for this body scrub, as I bought it in a tourist destination. I might cost a little higher in price, though.

I got to say this body scrub is actually a 100% organic body scrub ingredient, but, it indeed contain high percentage of the strawberry extract in it, When you put it on your skin, it actually permitted a strong smell of strawberry from it. After you wash off you will still smell the strong smell of strawberry flavor. I actually love the smell. ( haha). I like body wash with more natural smell like fruit smell or flower scent.

To use this product, kindly spread it all over the body in dry skin condition, before taking bath. After that, gently massage all over your body, and then rinse it off with water without using any soap to clean off. You can actually feel the micro-bead scrubbing your body skin.

Normally, I use it three times per week to scrub my body. I would not recommend to use this scrub everyday day as it might hurt your skin , as due to frequent scrub.

You might be wondering how about the result , after using this product? It's effective ?

I will say "Yes, it indeed showing the actual result. I have no regrets"

This is the third box that I use, and I could actually feel that my skin is smoother, and fair.

Look at my hand :

When you scrub on your skin, you can visibly see the micro-bead scrubbing you skin.It helps in removing dead skin cell and blackhead.

Smooth and whiten.

After referring to a few blog review, actually you can get this one box for only 14,000 rupiah, instead of 25,000 rupiah per box. You can found it sell at Guardian, Indonesia too~!
I'm not sure if it sell in Malaysia, but couldn't find it. Perhaps I will stock in if I went to Indonesia again next time!

Saturday 16 January 2016

Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask- Innisfree.

Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask - Innisfree.

Today, I'm going to write a review in Innisfree - Super Volcanic pore clay mask~!

I start to try this product after introduce by one of my friend. For the first time using it, I din't give much results, However, I have been using it for about six month,putting this mask twice per week, and I could really see result on my skin,

When putting this mask, I would advise to clean off the clay mask properly using normal running pipe water, then,put on your clean face for about 20 minutes, and you will actually feel tighten as the mask dry up.

The Innisfree Super volcanic pore clay mask acts to absorb sebum and clarify skin pores.

The mask is in grey-coloured paste. It can be use for quite a long time, as I just put an adequate amount of the mask need on m clean skin. If your face suddenly have a pop-out acne, just dot the pop-out acne with this mask for overnight. It could actually dry up your acne and eventually cure your acne.

I would advise not to use this mask everyday, as is a clay mask, and you might overly dry out your skin. Use it three times per weeks would be enough.If you want to use this type of mask ( clay mask- in paste) cleaning the mask off entirely fromy our face is the most important procedure. Make sure clean off the paste mask completely before put on the toner and basic skin care.If you do not know how to use this kind of paste face mask, I would recommend you to use the put-on mask and after 15 minutes, just take off the mask. Easy and simple~!=)

Sunday 10 January 2016

Holika Holika Egg Soap Special Set


This box actually contain four egg soaps:
( 1 white egg soap, I green tea,egg soap, 1 red clay egg soap & 1 charcoal egg soap.)

I have use the white egg soap and left three other soap, and I'm now using the charcoal egg soap.

Each of the soap have different benefits properties:

(i) White Egg Soap             : Pore Contraction
(ii) Green Tea Egg Soap     : For Dead Skin and Cell Care
(iii) Red Clay Egg Soap      : For removal of Dirt
(iv) Charcoal Egg Soap       : Help in sebum Absorption.

What special about the packaging is that the eggs soap is put in the egg carton, ( HaHa..cute indeed)

The box written/showed function of each egg soap in the special set. 

I would say when I'm using it, it give a lot of bubbles when contacted with water. Spread it all over the face when cleansing, and then wash it off. I would say that you face is really clean and not dry off. I have a sensitive skin, and this products does not make my skin peel off , or irritated. You will feel your face is smooth like an egg.
Just one of the drawback is the scent /perfume is strong for me. I prefer lighter and more natural scent.

RONAS - Acne Care AC Infusion Serum

RONAS- Acne Care AC Infusion Serum ( A Korean Brand Products)

For an acne-prone skin, this serum is indeed worth to be consider as a budget daily skin care products. RONAS is one of the Korean brand. I got to try this serum as recommended by one of the facial skincare specialist.

It's suitable oily skin and effectively prevent and treat acne deeply into the skin.It moisturize and effectively protects and revitalizes skin. The Ronas Acne Care AC serum is accredited with Ecocert, and indeed suitable for sensitive and irritate skin. It helps to regulate the secretion of sebum in the inner layer of the skin.

This products have a flower scent when apply on the clean face skin. It provides freshness and healthfulness when use in long term period.

The serum is in transparent gel form, and is easily fast-absorbed when apply on the skin. This bottle of  RONAS AC Serum that I bought comes in 200 ml per bottle, and it could last me for 6 months to finish up the whole bottle as I applied it twice per day daily.

It's a serum, fast-absorb into the skin layer, helps to combat acne & blackhead, and the price is reasonable~! It worth to be added in as one of your skin care routine.!

I can't find much link that selling this product online, However, if you do want this products, tell me, and I'll help to buy this products to you.~!

Saturday 9 January 2016

Dr Morita's Revitalizing Essence Facial Mask

 It's DR Morita's Revitalizing Essence Facial Mask~!

I got this in Taiwan~! I heard before this Dr Morita's face mask and many who use it have a good comment/review on it. It have a very long history in research and developing facial face mask for end user and very popular in Asia. Since, the face mask have a good review on it, when I found this mask in Taiwan, I directly bought it back to Malaysia.

I would say, the mask itself is really good. Put this Dr. Morita's face mask  on your cleaned face and I will say, your tired-look face will eventually become fresh-hydrated face look.

The white mask quality itself is comfortable and soft to the skin. After doing the mask, I can feel, my face is supple and hydrated for a few days. The feeling is a little bit different then other face mask that I use.

I still could not find Dr Morita's facial mask in the Malaysia store who sell it, but, you can find it through online. The selling price is higher as compared to the price that I bought it directly from Taiwan which will cost much cheaper.

If I do travel to Taiwan again, I will buy 1 dozen box of Dr. Morita's mask~!! haha..=P

Opps..I can't smile when I'm doing mask.. Sorry for showing you guyzs my fierce look..haha.

Friday 8 January 2016

Aloe vera gel VS Bamboo gel

Currently there's a trend everyone is trying on aloe vera gel and bamboo gel.

Me too, trying on Nature Republic Aloe Vera and Damyang Bamboo gel from The Face Shop.

I didn't' bought both of these products, both I got it  during my Christmas gift exchange, and one of it was given by my friend as a gift to me.

I took both of the products packaging.Both is in 300 ml packaging.

Look at the bamboo gel~!!It's look refreshing and when I open it, I can smell a light scent of bamboo scent from it.

And this is the Aloe Vera gel~! Both the Bamboo gel and Aloe Vera gel have similar appearance which is transparent, and have water-feel when apply on it. However, the  aloe Vera gel have different scent as compare to the Bamboo gel.

I put it on my hand and rub it on my clean skin. It indeed soothing, and non-greasy. The bamboo gel is much more solid as compared to the aloe Vera gel. ( I think...) 

After using, both, I think both is a good product to apply on a sunburn skin, and dry skin. It can be use as a hydrating mask too~! Apply in a thick layer, and let it for 20 minutes. After that, wash it off.. You 'll feel you skin is indeed hydrated~!

In the market nowadays, maybe there's many more similar-like aloe Vera/bamboo gel products, but for both of this, I indeed recommend these two products for skin care. Perhaps, I'll add on in the future if I try any others brand of aloe Vera or bamboo properties~!
TRUST me, and give it a try today~!

Avacado Avocat Hand cream- The Face Shop

Today, let me write a review on this hand cream from The Face Shop~!

I got this hand cream as a gift from my friend. I love it as it smell is so special as different from other hand cream. It's made from the nutritious fruit, avocado~!

This is the packaging of the products. It's look cute right? ( 30 ml)

Well, I'm not going to say it only looks cute, but, actually, it indeed a good hand cream. It's worth to be consider as a hand cream to be own and the price is worth/affordable. It's convenient/handy to be bring everywhere or to put inside the handbag or during travelling.

When you open it, it appeared to be white cream, with adorable fruit scent! 

Put the avacodo hand cream on your clean hand and feel it. It's not greasy, and fast-absorb on the skin.You will feel comfortable and smooth.I have use it for a month and my hand fine line has gone~! Look at my hand and I bet you'll love it~! ^_^

Say BYE BYE to dry hand and Say HELLO to smooth hand~!

Sunday 3 January 2016

Blackhead Remover Pore Cleanser Set - Ella edition

Nose Blackhead Remover~!

Nose Blackhead remover that I brought from Taiwan~It's indeed cheaper if it's bought from Taiwan.

It's amazing, and indeed showed result! I love it~!^_^

The products is with Taiwanese singer (Ella) packaging on it~!

It consist of 3 bottles, in the box.

1) Papaya enzyme deep sebum softener (20 ml)
2)  Sebum control Purifying Mask (60ml)
3) Skin Clarifying Pore Treatment Essencener. (20ml)

 This products is user-friendly as it has a numbering (1, 2, 3)on each bottle to teach or as information for the user to apply each bottle accordingly by following to the number order.

How to use it? Let me explain it.     =)


1) Clean the targeted blackhead skin area with your daily facial cleanser. After clean, wipe clean/dry       the area with a face towel.

2) Apply the Sebum Papaya enzyme deep sebum softener (1) on the targeted blackhead skin. Just a     few drop of softener liquid on your palm and apply it on the targeted blackhead skin area.
    Leave it for ~ 10 minutes.

3) After that, clean it off with water and wipe clean dry using face towel. 

4) Then, apply the Sebum control Purifying Mask (2) on the targeted blackhead skin area. Apply  evenly in thin layer of mask on the targeted area.  Leave it for 15-20 minutes until it completely dry up.

5) After dry up, peel it off , starting from downward toward upwards, slowly. 

6) Clean off if there's any leftover mask on the targeted blackhead skin area with a wet towel.

7) Lastly, apply the Skin Clarifying Pore Treatment Essencener (3) on the targeted skin area
    And it's done~!

Just a few drop of Sebum Papaya enzyme deep sebum softener (1)  is enough according to the area of skin need to be apply.

Apply the Sebum control Purifying Mask (2) in an adequate thin mask evenly on the targeted blackhead skin area.

Peel-off the mask from downward towards upward. a clean nose~!=)

Here describe the function/purposes of the three bottles:

1) Papaya enzyme deep sebum softener (20 ml)
- to soften the outer layer of the skin which cover by sebum

2)  Sebum control Purifying Mask (60ml)
- Act as purifying mask to control sebum, and pull out the sebum/dried oil/dirt clogged on the pores.

3) Skin Clarifying Pore Treatment Essencener. (20ml)
- as a essencener for pores shrinkage after the dried oil/dirts is pull out from the pores.

CANMAKE -Eye shadow

Hi, I rarely post on make -up items. But well, sometimes we do need to play around with make-up to bring out/try out another look or image....