Saturday 26 November 2016

Shiseido-Tsubaki Volume Touch shampoo

SHISEIDO-  Volume Touch Shampoo

Today, I'm going to write a review about the SHISEIDO- Volume Touch Shampoo. I started to use this shampoo one month ago. Until today, I'm satisfied with the performance of this shampoo on my hair. It's a Shiseido products, and I'm confident to use it. I didn't know this product until one day my friends and I discussing about the hair products that we came across in our daily life.


                               (a)                                                                               (b)


(a) : I got the Tsubaki Shampoo form the nearest WATSON store nearby my hometown, Taiping. It's 500ml bottle.
(b) : Look at the label behind , it written that TSUBAKI shampoo contains fermentation essence that helps to soften scalp and moisturize the hair. It's a product make from Japan.
(c): The shampoo is colorless,and I just use a "coin " size of shampoo quantity to clean                 my hair.The shampoo is concentrated and have a Camellia scent. It's indeed have a calming properties

I have use many different type of shampoo, and I personally think that this Shiseido - TSUBAKI Volume Touch Shampoo is affordable as it cost only about RM 35 per bottle. Shiseido product is an internationally brand, and yet Tsubaki Volume Touch shampoo is worth to invest for haircare.

 Picture 2: Look, my hair is oily, and sometimes, my hair look flat when I'm taking photo in                          front the camera.

Picture 2: After I use the Tsubaki Volume Touch shampoo, air-dry my hair, my hair look more volumized, and energetic. 

I love the camellia scent of the shampoo. My hair become more manageable, and thicker. There's many different type of Tsubaki shampoo available in the outlet store. Pick the one suitable with your hair-type, as the different colour of the Tsubaki shampoo bottle represent different hair-problem to use.
Trust me, and get it from the store now~!=)

AMWAY-Complexion Bar Soap

AMWAY- Complexion Bar Soap.

This was the second time that I bought this complexion bar soap box from AMWAY. It comes in the package of 3 bar soaps in one box. It cost about RM 57++. It;s quite expensive though.
I try to use this bar soap when recommended by one of my friend. I  have pimples on my face last time, and she recommend me to use this bar soap instead of using other facial foam or serum to put on my sensitive skin. I stop to use all my moisturizer, serum, face mask, toner and other facial foam for a moment. For that time, my facial regime was  just this little complexion bar soap.

Picture 1: The complexion bar soap is in orange-brown color and have a honey scent once the box is open. Perhaps I should say it just smell sweet too.

For the first time I use it, I might not feel the different yet. However, after using the bar soap for three days, I could feel the magical power of this complexion bar soap. My face felt clean and free from oil after I wash my face. My skin felt soft and I just love the honey smell left on my skin. It;s suitable for my skin as my skin is combination oily type. My skin felt clean but it's not like the feeling I'm using any harsh chemical. It just clean of the dirt perfectly. As I'm use to expose to the outside sun exposure and sweat, as I love exercise,  this bar soap indeed helpful and suitable for me. 

Picture 2: The packaging of the AMWAY- complexion bar soap. Product from USA.

I'm not sure it's use for the face or not as it's a kind of body series care. I'm using it for my face care regime. It think this bar soap is for the body care. Well,, perhaps, I can actually use for the face and body too~!!

The formulation of this complexion bar soap have been improve compare to the first time that I bought. It have been added with pumpkin. Thus, the formulation contain honey, shea butter and pumpkin, As you can see, the formulation of the bar soap itself make me feel confident to use it in my facial care regime. Try it once and I bet there will be no regret~!=) Say BYE to BREAKOUTS~!
Get it from the AMWAY store now~!

Thursday 24 November 2016

Sheep Hydrating lotion

It had been a long time since I write my blog. I'm going to continue to write my blog after a long break. Today I'm going to share on this hydrating lotion make from lanolin oil. I bought it when I went to Taiwan for a holiday at Cingjing Farm. It's a place where we can see a lot of sheeps on the grassland in cold weather. This lotion is produce using the lanolin oil from the sheeps.

                                    Picture 1: The bottle packaging of the Sheep hydrating lotion.

The lotion is white in color and it feels fresh when I put it on my skin. It's watery, and easily absorb into the skin and this is one of the reason I love the most.It does not smell strong in perfume,as it's more light in odor.

Picture 2: Look~!! The watery-lotion on my skin~! It's easily spread on over my skin.

Lanolin oil, have a deep moisturizing effect on the skin and suitable for dry skin. It's a perfect lotion choice to use during the winter or cold season. It's not easy to find a product with lanolin oil nowadays. And if you do, the price might be costly. I just bought this lotion about RM 15 ringgit after convert from TWD. ( Taiwan currency money).

Picture 3: This product directly from the Cingjing Farm , at Nantou,Taiwan.

Well, if you ever go to the Taiwan,  and happen to visit the Cingjing Farm, dont't ever forget to bought this sheep hydrating lotion~!!. It's a must to be bought as a souvenir, or to pamper yourself!!
I just bought one bottle last time, and I will get this again, when I ever visited Cingjing Farm again~!!

CANMAKE -Eye shadow

Hi, I rarely post on make -up items. But well, sometimes we do need to play around with make-up to bring out/try out another look or image....