Monday 13 July 2020

CANMAKE -Eye shadow

Hi, I rarely post on make -up items. But well, sometimes we do need to play around with make-up to bring out/try out another look or image. Make-up can sometimes built up your confidence in yourself and perhaps useful when you want  an attend an important or formal function.

I think is not recently, I would say this makeup brand have been famous a years back then. It's Canmake! I bought this Canmake makeup by myself as I just want to try it out, since it was a hit back then. I bought it for about RM44, through online. I bought the No.15 Canmake eyeshadow,and its much suitable for beach occasion and party.As if you were to use it for pub or night gathering, i would advice you to choose other Canmake eyeshadow color to suit the desired occasion/event.Thre are plenty combinaton of color to choose from.
All the color available will ensure you to meet the desired image that you want.

The different here is the Canmake eyeshadow color is easily tinted on the eyelid. You dont need to put alot of the eyeshadow to make the color appear,or to  blend it with other color. The eyeshadow powder will not easily drip or loose for a long duration of hour. What I prefer most is the Canmake eyeshadow color is matched well and if you are beginner, you do not need to worry on how to blend or mixed the eyeshadow color. It's easily shown on the Canmake eyeshadow label. The label will showed you which color you should apply first before the nother color. For me this is important as we do not want the outcome of the eye-makeup end up dirty or mess-up, if we are beginner.Besides that the price is affordable and meet the desired quality.

The Canmake eyeshadow comes with eyeshadow brush with both end. So, you do not need to worry to buy another makeup brush.
Tried out Canmake products if you were searching for an eyeshadow makeup brand!( well i just tried it on my makeup-drawing. Haha)

Sunday 29 March 2020



I'm going to write about sunblock skincare today. I just want to say that, all this while, I have been using this 3 brands of sunblock till today. If you were to know the differences, I will tell you one-by-one.

1. SUNPLAY: SPF 130, PA ++++

It's a thick white liquid type which suitable to use on body and face for outdoor activities purposes.
I would say, use this sunblock, if you were to spend long hour under the sun. I use this during camping, swimming, snorkeling. or when I was at the beach for holiday. I personally think that using this high SPF & PA value is really effective in shielding your skin from harmful sunlight, and sunburn when exposed under the hot sun for long hours. As I know, this is the highest SPF sunblock that I use till now in my skincare routine. As summary, this is a sunblock products which suitable for long hours outdoor activities under the sun. My skin after apply this SUNPLAY products just showed a little tan the next day, without skin peeling. I would say this is a effective sunblock after use for so long, 20 years.

2. SUNBLOCK: AM+PM  SPF 50, PA +++

This sunblock is much more suitable for daily use, as the products is more on viscous white liquid form. I use it on my face & neck purposes. I rarely use it on my body or hand. I normally put the am+pm sunblock on my face before I went to work in the morning. It's not very oily and suitable for combination skin type like me. It will be less oily if to compare to SUNPLAY sunblock. As for the price comparison, it's much more expensive, as it cost about RM 55 per bottle  in Malaysia. It can be found sells at the Watson outlet in Malaysia and easily reachable.


After I use the AM+PM sunblock for about 5 years, I was introduce to the KOSE sunblock last year 2019. The difference between the KOSE sunblock and the AM+PM and SUNPLAY sunblock is, it's a white cream type sunblock. You don't need to shake before use, nd you can just easily apply it after your skin care routine. I use this sunblock when I was in the house, mostly indoor. Well, you might ask, why do we need to put sunblock as you are in the house without exposing yourself to any sunlight.....but, you see here, your are looking at your hand phone screen most of your time when you stay indoor. The light emitted from your hand phone screen might be the source which will hurt or damage your skin if exposed for long hour. Your face might look dull, if long exposed. So, do remember, using sunblock when you are in front of the laptop is also necessity,. I would say, you do not need sunblock when you sleep in your bedroom with light turn off. haha.
This sunblock is the current sunblock that I use when I was in the home. well, it's quite costly, compare to two of the sunblock above. it's suitable for the combination skin as there's no outbreak & not oily. Just one of the drawbacks would be the price. So, I only use it on my face. I never use it before on my body or hand. Try this brand if you could afford, and I would say actually am+pm , & SUNPLAY is already good as a sunblock for your skincare routine.

So, if you re looking for a suitable sunblock, do try these and take a look on the outcome. I would assure you that your skin ill be fair is you use it everyday and it will appear more bright, definitely~!

Saturday 21 March 2020

LULULUN face mask- Strawberry ( Whitening & brightening)

EVER heard of LULULUN mask?
It's once a hit brand mask in Japan and off-course ASEAN.
I want to buy this mask, but during that time it's not sell in Malaysia, and most probably have to buy it through online.Somehow it didn't buy it through online.

One day I saw this selling at one of the shopping complex in Thailand. I took a packet without any hesitate as I knew this brand before this.
I have to give this a try I said to myself. Actually, I was browsing as I want to buy the daily mask LULULUN with many mask sheet in a box.I couldn't find it. I just saw this 7 days mask by LULULUN, strawberry - for whitening purposes

After convert to MYR , 7 pieces of masks cost about RM 22. 
The sachets contain the 7 pieces of mask , folded neatly in the packs.All the masks is richly immerse in the essences, and as keep it after use, the masks are still not dried up.The packaging come with a very good sealing off power. Even after use, and the essence is still there. You don't need to worry much, then.I use the mask on my face, and I do notice my skin is much more clearer. I would say the mask indeed give brightening effect as written on the packaging itself.


If you would like to have moisturizing & hydration at the same time, this mask doesn't give along the effects. I just use for three days, and my skin do feels clear and brighter. In my personal opinion, I think need to buy different pack of LULULUN mask if you want to focus in acne,moisturizing, hydration or anti-aging mask. Well, understood that there's no one mask that can fit-all-in. Thus, with different types/variation of LULULUN mask, we can carry out a routine using different types of mask to tackle our face skin health for a fairer skin.

There's still some places which sell LULULUN mask, and I found it in HERMO online. Some even sell in Taiwan website.If I could buy in the future, I want to try the daily mask with 50 sheets/60 sheets of masks which aid for daily use.If you want to try it. you may look out int he online website perhaps. Or, if you ever go to Japan shopping, do look out for this LULULUN mask~!=)

CANMAKE -Eye shadow

Hi, I rarely post on make -up items. But well, sometimes we do need to play around with make-up to bring out/try out another look or image....